
Find and Replace

Edit->Find/Replace invokes the following dialogue, which allows you to find or replace text in the current page.

Find/Replace dialogue

Find and replace text:
  1. Enter the characters to search for in the Find What box at the top.
  2. Enter the characters to replace these in the Replace With box underneath.

Whole Word Finds only whole words that match

the entered characters. The

default is to match any

characters, even parts of words.

Match Case Makes the match case-sensitive.

The default is to ignore case.

Search Backward Causes the search to proceed

backwards from the insertion

point. The default is to search

forward. The buttons on the right

of the dialogue have the following


  1. Use the buttons on the right to control the search.

Find Finds and selects the next match.

Close Closes the dialogue.

Replace Replaces the current selection with

the characters in the Replace With


Replace All Finds and replaces all the

characters that match in the entire


Find Next Repeats the current Find operation.

Wrap & Find Repeats the current Find operation,

but starts at the beginning of the

file if it gets to the end.

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